Chadwick, Arthur
Dinosaur Museum
Palentology Specialist
First Joined SWAU
41 years ago
Dr. Arthur Chadwick is a Research Professor of Biology and Geology and co-Director of the Dinosaur Science Museum and Research Center at Southwestern Adventist University. He has done research on a variety of subjects, including systematic analysis of the geologic column in the Colorado Basin. He also co-directs a taphonomic study at one of the largest dinosaur bone-beds in the world. He has conducted geological research at the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Parks, in Peru on fossil whales and on the global circulation patterns through time. Dr. Chadwick is the author of numerous scientific papers as well as co-author of a science textbook. He is a cofounder of the Earth History Research Center and currently serves as Director of the Center. He was born in California, where he received his undergraduate education at San Diego State University and La Sierra College. He earned his Ph.D. from University of Miami, followed by additional work in Geology at the University of California. Before working at SWAU, he was Visiting Professor of Geology and Geophysics at University of Oklahoma. Dr. Chadwick is married to Joy Chadwick, who is a ceramics teacher at SWAU. They have two adult children, Dan and Barbara, who are both active physicians.
BIOL 419 : Philosophy of Science
RELT 419 : Philosophy of Science
HNRS 404 : Science and Belief
GEOL 240 : The Dinosaurs
GEOL 220 : Mineralogy
Postdoctoral, Geology, University of California, 1975-1978
Ph.D., University of Miami, 1969; With Honors
B.A. Biology, La Sierra College, 1965
2009-present Research Professor of Biology and Geology
1984-2008 Chairman Department of Biology, Professor of Geology and Biology, Southwestern Adventist University.
1988-present Research Associate Geoscience Research Institute, Loma Linda University.
1979-1988 Professor Graduate Program of Geological Sciences, Loma Linda University
1979-1984 Associate Professor of Geology, Loma Linda University
1978-1983 Associate Professor of Biology, Loma Linda University
1977-1978 Visiting Professor of Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma
1970-1977 Assistant Professor of Biology, Loma Linda University
Awards & Honors
California State Scholarship, 1961-65
United States Public Health Service Pre-doctoral Fellowship, 1965-66
National Institutes of Health Training Grant, 1966-69
National Defense Post-doctoral Fellowship, 1969-70
Visiting Professor of Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, 1977-78
Research Associate, Geoscience Research Institute, 1980-97
Professor of the Year, 1987
Zapara Award for Excellency in Teaching, 1989
Nominee Piper Professor Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1996
Support of Education nominee for 1987 Teacher of the Year Award
Educator of the Year Award from Keene Chamber of Commerce 2007
Geological Society of America
Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Society of Sedimentary Geology
Published Works
2015 Esperante, R., Brand, L., Chadwick, A., and Poma, O. Taphonomy and paleoenvironmental conditions of deposition of fossil whales in the diatomaceous sediments of the Miocene/Pliocene Pisco formation, southern Peru—a new fossil-lagerstätte. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology. 417:337-370.
2015 Brand, L., Wang, M., and Chadwick, A. Global database of paleocurrent trends through the Phanerozoic and Precambrian Scientific Data 2, 150025 doi:10.1038/sdata.2015.25
Faith Reason and Earth History (with Leonard Brand)
1967. Chadwick, A.V. and S.P. Burg. An explanation of the inhibition of root growth caused by indole-3-acetic acid. Plant Physiol. 42: 415-420.
1969. Chadwick, A.V. Regulation of root growth by auxin-ethylene interaction. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Miami.
1969. Abeles, F.B. and A.V. Chadwick. Ethylene: Its role as an air pollutant. Technical Manuscript 560, Department of the Army, Ft. Detrick, Maryland.
1970. Chadwick, A.V. and S.P. Burg. Regulation of root growth by auxin-ethylene interaction. Plant Physiol. 54:192-200.
1970. Craker, L.E., A.V. Chadwick and G.R. Leather. Abscission: Movement and conjugation of auxin. Plant Physiol. 45:790-793. (Also: Technical manuscript 612, Department of the Army, Ft. Detrick, Maryland. 19p.).
1972. Chadwick, A.V. and J. Arditti. Ethylene evolution and anthocyanin synthesis in Cymbidium (Orchidaceae) flowers. Plant Physiol. 48:3-111.
1973. Arditti, J.N., N.M. Hogan and A.V. Chadwick. Post pollination phenomena in orchid flowers. IV. Effects of ethylene. Amer. J. Botany. 60:883-888.
1973. Steen, D.A. and A.V. Chadwick. Effects of cycloheximide on IAA-induced ethylene production in pea root tips. Plant Physiol. 52:171-173.
1974. Chadwick, A.V. and L. R. Brand. Fossil tree orientation in the Chinle Formation. Origins. 1:22-28.
1978 Chadwick, A. V. Megabreccias: evidence for catastrophism. Origins 5(1):39-46.
1980. Chadwick, A.V. An efficient device for heavy liquid separation. Oklahoma Geology Notes. 40:64-65.
1980. Chadwick, A.V., N.M. Hogan and J. Arditti. Post pollination phenomena in orchid flowers. IX. Induction and inhibition of ethylene evolution, anthocyanin synthesis, and perianth senescence. Botanical Gazette. 41:422-427.
1981. Steen, D.A., Chadwick, A.V. Ethylene effects in pea stem tissue, evidence of microtubule mediation. Plant. Physiol 67:460-66.
1981. Chadwick, A.V. Precambrian Pollen in the Grand Canyon -- a reexamination. Origins. 8:7-12.
1982. Yamamoto, T. and A.V. Chadwick. Identification of fossil wood from the Specimen Creek area of the Gallatin Petrified Forest, Yellowstone National Park. Part I Gymnosperms. J. San-iku Gakuin J C. 10:25-42.
1983. Chadwick, A.V. Cappasporites- a common Middle Pennsylvanian palynomorph. Palynology. 7:205-210.
1983. Yamamoto, T. and A.V. Chadwick. Identification of fossil wood from the Specimen Creek area of the Gallatin Petrified Forest, Yellowstone National Park. Part II Angiosperms. J. San-iku Gakuin J C. 11:49-66.
1984. Chadwick, A.V., and T. Yamamoto. A paleoecological analysis of the petrified trees in the Specimen Creek area of Yellowstone National Park, Montana, USA. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology. 45:39-48.
1986. Chadwick, A.V., L.P. Nyman and J. Arditti. Sites of ethylene evolution in orchid flowers. Lindleyana. 1:164-168.
1987. Chadwick, A. V. Of Dinosaurs and Men. Origins. 14:33-40.
1997. Kennedy, E., R. Kablanow, and A. V. Chadwick. Evidence for the deep water deposition of the Tapeats Sandstone, Grand Canyon, Arizona. in van Riper, C. III and E. T. Deschler, editors.
1997. Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau. National Park Service Transactions and Proceedings Series NPS/NRNAU/NRTP-97/12.
1998 Chadwick, Arthur. Strange Bedfellows. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. 50:4-5.
1998. Chadwick, A. and E. Kennedy. Evidence for deep water deposition of the Tapeats Sandstone. 15th International Sedimentological Congress. 15:247-248.
2000. Chadwick, Arthur V. and Robert DeHaan. The trilobite: enigma of complexity - a case for Intelligent Design. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. 52:233-241.
2000. Turner, L. E., A. V. Chadwick, and L. Spencer. High Resolution GPS Mapping In A Vertebrate Taphonomic Quarry. Geological Society of America. Abstracts with Program 32:A499.
2001 Chadwick, A. V. Abiogenic Origin of Life: Theory in Crisis. (online publication).
2002 Esperante, R, L. Brand, A. Chadwick and O. Poma. Taphonomy of fossil whales in the diatomaceous sediments of the Miocene/Pliocene Pisco Formation, Peru. In M. De Renzi et. al. (eds) Current Topics on Taphonomy and Fossilization, pp. 337-343.
2004 Brand, Leonard R., Raúl Esperante, Arthur V. Chadwick, Orlando Poma Porras, and Merling Alomía. Fossil whale preservation implies high diatom accumulation rate in the Miocene–Pliocene Pisco Formation of Peru. Geology, 32: 165–168.
2007 Woods, J and A. Chadwick. Development of an On-line Database with GIS Connections for Vertebrate and Other Fossils, in Collaboration for the Dissemination of Geologic Information Among Colleagues, A. Fleming, ed., pp. 53-69, Proceedings vol. 36, Geoscience Information Society, Alexandria, Virginia, 2007.
2011 Leonard Brand, Mario Urbina, Arthur Chadwick, Thomas J. DeVries, Raul Esperante.A high resolution stratigraphic framework for the remarkable fossil cetacean assemblage of the Miocene/Pliocene Pisco Formation, Peru. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 31 (2011) 414-425.
2015 Esperante, R., Brand, L., Chadwick, A., and Poma, O. Taphonomy and paleoenvironmental conditions of deposition of fossil whales in the diatomaceous sediments of the Miocene/Pliocene Pisco formation, southern Peru—a new fossil-lagerstätte. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology. 417:337-370.
2015 Brand, L., Wang, M., & Chadwick, A. Global database of paleocurrent trends through the Phanerozoic and Precambrian. Sci. Data 2:150025 doi:
2016. Chadwick, A., Silver, M., Turner, L., and Woods, J. The application of digital reconstruction techniques in taphonomy of an Upper Cretaceous dinosaur site in Wyoming. Journal of Taphonomy 13:1-16.
2018. Mclain, M., Siviero, B., Nelson, D., Brand, L. and Chadwick, A. Tyrannosaur cannibalism: A case of tooth-traced tyrannosaur bone in the Lance Formation of eastern Wyoming. Palaios 33:164-173.
2020. Siviero, B. Rega, E., Hayes, W., Cooper, A., Brand, L., and Chadwick, A. Skeletal trauma with implications for intratail mobility In Edmontosaurus annectens from a monodominant bonebed, Lance Formation (Maastrichtian), Wyoming USA. Palaios ; 35 (4): 201–214. doi:
2020. Snyder K, McLain M, Wood J, Chadwick A Over 13,000 elements from a single bonebed help elucidate disarticulation and transport of an Edmontosaurus thanatocoenosis. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0233182.