Schwarz, Arthur
Biological Sciences
First Joined SWAU
13 years ago
Dr. Arthur Schwarz is always excited to learn and study about organisms, especially plants, algae and bacteria! He hopes his excitement rubs off on his students! He enjoys carpentry and hiking, although just walking will do if he's not in some exotic place. Dr. Schwarz is happily married to Carmen, and between the two of them, they have four grown children and one grandchild. Although born in Canada, he was mostly raised in the US. For his doctoral studies, he moved back to Canada, and then worked there for several years. In 2001 he moved to Hong Kong to be the director of ADRA China. Then in 2007, he accepted a position as Senior Lecturer in Science Education at Bugema University, Uganda and finally arrived to SWAU in 2011.
BIOL 103 : Human Biology
BIOL 180 : Biology Research Seminar
BIOL 360 : Plant Biology
BIOL 314 : Systematic Botany
BIOL 345 : Environment and Mankind
BIOL 318 : Microbiology & Immunology
BIOL 220 : Microbiology and Immunology
Ph.D. Plant Ecology. University of Saskatchewan. 1988.
M.S. Biology. Walla Walla University, Washington, USA. 1984.
B.S. Biology. Walla Walla University, Washington, USA. 1978.
Awards & Honors
Learning Enhancement Envelope (Province of Alberta, Canada) Grant recipient, 1998 & 2000.
Alberta Teachers Association Educational Trust Grant recipient, 1997.
Boreal Alberta Research Grant recipient, 1989, 1991.
Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Assistantship in Forestry, 1989, 1990.
University Postgraduate Scholarship, University of Saskatchewan), 1982 1986.
Northern Studies Training Fellow, University of Saskatchewan, 1982, 1983.
Member of Botanical Society of America (BSA) since 2012
Chair of the Physiological Scetion of BSA since 2018
Program Director of the Physiological Section of BSA 2014-2018
Menmer of the Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation since 2019
Published Works
Schwarz, A. 2012. Toward a Seventh-day Adventist Model for Relating Science and Scripture with Special Reference to Origins. Christ in the Classroom 38: 309-325. Inst. for Christian Teaching, Silver Spring, MD
Hogg, E.H. and Schwarz, A.G. 2002. Impacts of drought on growth and regeneration of conifers on the Canadian prairies. In: W. Schroeder and J. Kort, eds. Temperate Agroforestry: Adaptive and mitigative roles in a changing physical and socio-economic climate. Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Agroforestry in North America and the Sixth Annual Conference of the Plains and Prairie Forestry Association, 13‑15 August 2001, Regina SK, pp. 46-51.
Alberta Native Plant Council. 2001. A Guide to the Rare Vascular Plants of Alberta. L. Kershaw, J.
Gould, D. Johnson and J. Lancaster, eds. University of Alberta Press. (A. Schwarz contributed research and text for 21 rare grasses.)
Hogg, E.H. and Schwarz, A.G. 1999. Tree-ring analysis of declining aspen stands in west-central Saskatchewan. Canadian Forest Service, Information Report NOR-X-359, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Canada.
Schwarz, A.G., R.W. Wein and P.A. Thomas. 1997. Fire and threatened dry grassland remnants of the boreal forest – climate change hypotheses. In Proceedings of the First Conference on Fire Effects on Rare and Endangered Species and Habitats, J.M. Greenlee (ed.), pages 307 – 310, Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho. International Association of Wildland Fire.
Schwarz, A.G. and R.W. Wein. 1997. Threatened dry grasslands in the continental boreal forest of Wood Buffalo National Park. Can J. Bot. 75: 1363-1370.
Hogg, E.H. and A.G. Schwarz. 1997. Regeneration of planted conifers across climatic moisture gradients on the Canadian prairies: implications for distribution and climate change. J. Biogeography 24: 527-534.
Schwarz, A. 1995. Climate warming and invasive species in large continental areas. Aliens 1(2): 24.
Wein, R.W., R. Gal, J.C. Hogenbirk, E.H. Hogg, S.M. Landhausser, P.Lange, S.K. Olsen, A.G. Schwarz, and R.A. Wright. 1994. Analogues of climate change - Fire-vegetation responses in the Mackenzie basin. In Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial AES/DIAND Meeting on Northern Climate & Mid Study Workshop of the Mackenzie Basin Impact Study, S.J. Cohen (ed.), pages 337-343. Yellowknife.
*Schwarz, A.G. and R.W. Wein. 1992. Grassland ecosystems and climate change: Hypotheses for the northern grassland boreal forest ecotone. In Proceedings of the Twelfth North American Prairie Conference, D.D. Smith and C.A. Jacobs (eds.), pages 1 4. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls.
Wein, R.W., J.C. Hogenbirk, B.L. McFarlane, A.G. Schwarz and R.A. Wright. 1990. Protection strategies for parks under predicted climate change. Parks 1(2):17 22.
Wein, R.W., J.C. Hogenbirk, B.L. McFarlane, A.G. Schwarz, and R.A. Wright. 1990. Heritage sites and climate change a northern circumpolar perspective. Parks, Pollution and People an International Conference on the Management of Protected Areas Under the Impact of Atmospheric Emission. 3 9 June 1990, Krkonose, Czechoslovakia. (Proceedings published in Czech).
*Schwarz, A.G. and R.E. Redmann. 1990. Phenology of northern populations of halophytic C3 and C4 grasses. Can. J. Bot. 68(8):1817 1821.
*Schwarz, A.G. and R.E. Redmann. 1989. Photosynthetic properties of a C4 grass (Spartina gracilis Trin.) from a northern environment. Photosynthetica 23(4):449 459.
*Schwarz, A.G. and M.J.T. Reaney. 1989. Perennating structures and freezing tolerance of northern and southern populations of C4 grasses. Bot. Gaz. 150(3):239 246.
*Schwarz, A.G. and R.E. Redmann. 1988. C4 grasses from the boreal forest region of northwestern Canada. Can. J. Bot. 66 (12):2424 2430.
*Schwarz, A.G. 1988. Physiological Ecology of Northern Populations of C4 Grasses. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. 145 pp.
*Schwarz, A.G., J.P. Thorpe and R.E. Redmann. 1988. Isolated grasslands in the boreal forest region of western Canada. In Proceedings of the Tenth North American Prairie Conference, A. Davis and G. Stanford (eds.). Paper #1.09. Native Prairies Association of Texas, Dallas.
*Redmann, R.E. and A.G. Schwarz. 1986. Dry grassland plant communities in Wood Buffalo National Park. Can. Field Nat. 100 (4):526 532.
*Schwarz, A.G. 1984. The Pattern of Periphyton Community Development. M.S. Thesis. Walla Walla University, Washington. 79 pp.
Schwarz, A. G. (ed.) 2010. Celebrating 60 Years of Education at Bugema. Bugema University Publication.