88.3 The Journey Welcomes New Music Director

88.3 The Journey Welcomes New Music Director

By Danae Songy

Jacob Fisher is the new music director and on-air evening host at 88.3 KJRN The Journey in Keene, Texas. A recent digital broadcast journalism graduate of Southern Adventist University, Fisher previously worked at J103 in Chattanooga on the production staff.
“I took my time with this hire because of what Pat Williams, founder of the Orlando Magic shared at Momentum, a conference for Christian Music Broadcasters. ‘Hire slowly’,” said Danae Songy, general manager, “It has been a long and hard summer with so much transition, but God has been good to us every minute. We are excited to have Jacob joining our team.”
For Fisher, joining the Southwestern Adventist University based radio station is a perfect fit for his personal mission. He is passionate about sharing Christ and this faith-based radio station enables him to do just that. Being able to hear and share the stories of listeners during his 7 PM – midnight show each weeknight makes the hard work worthwhile.

“Every phone call that allows me to connect personally with one of our listeners reminds me of how God is working through this ministry and why we do what we do,” shares Fisher. “I am thrilled to be joining the Journey team!”

88.3 The Journey is a non-profit, listener-supported Christian radio station. In a world that needs hope, joy and meaningful relationships, they take to heart the words of Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

 Visit 883thejourney.org to learn more.

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