
Our innovative English department

is passionate about inspiring creativity, diversity and independent critical thinking. Through decades of shared experiences, our inventive faculty combines traditional and contemporary literary works with a comprehensive writing curriculum designed to empower students - helping them to become effective communicators throughout their academic and professional lives.


A degree from the English department will help you to:

  • Write and speak well
  • Think through problems and apply research techniques to find information
  • Understand literature and analyze texts
  • All of these skills are essential to any career field you choose.


Career Opportunities
With a degree from the English department, students can find a variety of jobs in industries such as:

  • Public Relations
  • Publication
  • Advertising
  • Journalism
  • Film Industry
  • Law and Public Service
  • Medicine
  • Management and Business
  • Education

The English Club
Rough Writers is a writing club sponsored by the English department. Students may attend mini-writing seminars with Professor Glen Robinson, the author of dozens of fiction and non-fiction books. Additionally, the club sponsors “poetry-slam” events, where students can read work they’ve written in an open-mic forum.

English Drama Program
At SWAU, the English department has a long history of producing classic plays. The Spring play has become one of the highlights of the year, with these performances drawing packed houses, with multiple performances for each production. Many people from across the campus community participate as actors, stage crew, makeup artists and stage decorators. If you’re looking for an elective course, participating in the play as an actor or crew member is a fun way to earn elective credit. Come join us for a night of entertainment or join us back stage as a participant!

News & Events

Honors Group Castle

SWAU Honors Students Explore Ireland

A blurred photo of the university campus showcasing the nursing building, rotunda and the beautiful green grade in between the sidewalks

Southwestern Adventist University Moves to the Cloud with Ellucian

Shot of the Chan Shun Centennial Library taken from a left angle with the sun peaking out from behind a tree in the foreground

Equity, Education, and the American Dream

Armando Miranda, Jr. Shares His SWAU Journey

SWAU Hosts Graduation for Class of 2021

Two students, arms intertwined, stand as their peers can be seen clapping behind them

Department of English to Present “Socially Distant Shakespeare”

SWAU to Host The Importance of Being Earnest Play

Graduating seniors throw their caps in the air while being surrounded by proud faculty and staff

Southwestern Adventist University’s Class of 2020

Importance of Being Earnest

Southwestern Adventist University Hosts Seminars for an “Impossible Job”

Southwestern Adventist University Strategizes for the Future 

A group of students stand in a group and smile together as they stand in front of palace

Southwestern Adventist University Honors Students Travel to Paris

Southwestern Adventist University's English Department To Present Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors"

gala, 125th anniversary, scholarships, student scholarships


english, tutoring, english help, write spot

What's the Write Spot?

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B.A. English

Are you looking for a degree that will open the door to a variety of industries where literary research, literary theory, writing and composition theory and practice are an essential skill? A B.A. in English may be the perfect degree for you!

B.A. English, Writing Emphasis

Do you have a passion for writing? A B.A. in English, Writing Emphasis will give you the fundamental skills to work in a variety of industries including publication, communication, journalism, film, law, advertising, marketing and public relations.

Minor in English

Looking for a strong foundation in English and writing but want to pursue a major from a different department? Then perhaps a minor in English is perfect for you.

B.A. English, Secondary Teaching Certification

If you have a passion for English and want to pursue a career in education as a teacher, a B.A. in English with a Secondary Teaching Certification will help you open the door to a rewarding career.

Your Future


With a degree from the Department of English at SWAU, students have great opportunities to gain experience and connections in Rough Writers and the English Drama Program while also building a strong foundation in a variety of writing styles.


  • Digital Copywriter
  • Editorial Assistant
  • English as a Foreign Language Teacher
  • Writer
  • Lexicographer
  • Publishing Copy-Editor / Proofreader
  • Web Content Manager
  • Technical Writer
  • Newspaper Journalist
  • Magazine Journalist
  • Advertising Copywriter
  • Media Researcher
  • Social Media Manager

Median annual wage of technical writers in May 2019

Faculty Profiles

Renard Doneskey, PhD

Department of English
Professor and Department Chair

Kristin Denslow, PhD

Department of English
Associate Professor

Jayne Doneskey, MA

Department of English
Assistant Professor