Business Administration

Interested in a career in Business Administration?

Our department at Southwestern Adventist University helps you to develop real-life business skills to prepare and test you in an academic environment that fosters innovation and creativity!

As the Department of Business Administration, we strive to prepare you for Christian service and business leadership in today’s global economy. We have built our department on academic excellence, integrity and an entrepreneurial spirit. We aim to serve and value a diverse student body, equipping you with the intellectual fortitude to change the world.


A degree in Business Administration:

  • Puts emphasis on giving you real world experiences through internships and business strategy simulations.
  • Provides an opportunity to build strong leadership skills through our award-winning Enactus Team.
  • Gives hands-on field experience to prepare you for the work field.
  • Prepares you for a stimulating and rewarding business-oriented career.


As the Department of Business Administration, we aim to: 

  • Provide you with the necessary knowledge for successful work experience in today's business environment and graduate studies.
  • Promote an awareness of free enterprise with an international orientation within a framework of moral and ethical guidelines.
  • Enrich the learning-teaching experience by fostering access to and utilization of appropriate learning resources.
  • Promote faculty and student's involvement in community activities.


Quick Links:


Community Service Opportunities

Public Disclosure of Student Achievement


A young man with short, naturally red hair looks up and gently smiles

“I got an almost full ride scholarship to TCU, but decided to go to Southwestern Adventist University. Looking back I couldn't have made a better decision! You can get an education anywhere, but I don’t think I would have learned what I did anywhere other than SWAU. I learned not just about business but also about how to be a Christian in business.
I learned leadership skills that have helped me excel in my role at Edward Jones. Enactus was one of the most impactful groups that I was apart of. It got me out of my comfort zone by having to present to business owners and executives and also to think of others and not myself.
The teachers are awesome! They aren't just professors, they become your friends. The classes are small and so you really develop lasting relationships with everyone in the room. I would recommend anyone who wants to get a Christian business education to go to SWAU.”

Tony Seery, Class of 2015, Finance

News & Events

SWAU Students

SWAU Welcomes 9 New Full Time Faculty to Campus Family

SWAU Entrepreneur Center

New Entrepreneurship Center Opens at SWAU

Braxton Molina

What it Means to Be a Knight: Business

A blurred photo of the university campus showcasing the nursing building, rotunda and the beautiful green grade in between the sidewalks

Southwestern Adventist University Moves to the Cloud with Ellucian

Shot of the Chan Shun Centennial Library taken from a left angle with the sun peaking out from behind a tree in the foreground

Equity, Education, and the American Dream

Armando Miranda, Jr. Shares His SWAU Journey

SWAU Hosts Graduation for Class of 2021

Sean Aqui poses outside in graduation cap and gown.

Young Alum Matched to Ivy League Residency Program

Career Emphasis Week Provides Valuable Resources

A bunch of greenery is framing the library, which is a bit distant in the shot.

Students Gain Hands-On Experience Despite COVID-19

Graduating seniors throw their caps in the air while being surrounded by proud faculty and staff

Southwestern Adventist University’s Class of 2020

A student and her mother smile, both looking at a a computuer screen as the student does home work.

Southwestern Adventist University Launches SWAU Online

Award Winning Alumni

Southwestern Adventist University Strategizes for the Future 

Southwestern Adventist University's Enactus Team Places at Nationals

Senior Living Management Program Receives $5,000 From Ciera Bank


B.B.A. Accounting

Do you enjoy keeping track of finances and organizing numbers? Then perhaps a B.B.A. Accounting is perfect for you!

B.B.A. Certified Financial Planning

Do you seek to become an expert in the art of setting financial goals and identifying the tools needed to reach them? Earn your certification in financial planning!

B.B.A. Digital Marketing

The B.B.A. Digital Marketing degree is newly offered by the Department of Business Administration! This new degree focuses on the study of the techniques used in the digital marketing of products or services.

B.B.A. Esports & Gaming

The B.B.A. Esports and Gaming is a very new concentration offered by the Department of Business Administration! Southwestern Adventist University is one of the few universities to offer this degree.

B.B.A. Finance

Have you always had a knack for keeping track of numbers and accounts? Perhaps you should be looking into a B.B.A. Finance.

B.B.A. Human Resources Management

Do you enjoy the idea of handling personnel decisions such as hiring, position assignment, training, benefits and compensation? Then maybe a B.B.A. in Human Resources Management is the perfect degree for you!

B.B.A. International Business

Are you looking for a business degree that incorporates the study of business, economics, foreign language and other areas? A B.B.A. International Business may be the perfect companion degree for you!

B.B.A. Management

Do you like to be a leader and help manage group projects? A B.B.A. Management will equip you with the right set of skills to manage projects and teams.

B.B.A. Management, Senior Living Administration Emphasis

Are you interested in leading a senior living facility? Passionate about making a difference in the lives of the elderly? A career in Senior Living Administration might be the perfect fit for you!

B.B.A. Marketing

Do you find yourself good at analytics, writing or creative development? Perhaps you should consider a career in marketing by pursuing a B.B.A. Marketing.

B.B.A. Marketing Emphasis in Professional Sales

Do you want to learn tactics for a digital age? Make the connections businesses need to succeed. Professional Sales digs deeper into a marketing concentration to provide you skills for success.

B.B.A. Operations & Supply Chain Management

Do you enjoy managing the daily workings of a company to help them increase their profits through efficiency? Then a B.B.A. Operations Management might be perfect for you.

B.B.A. Project Management

Do you want to learn how to bring strategy, programming, leadership, business theory all together? Consider project management as your concentration.

B.S. Business

Are you looking for a business major that would pair nicely with another degree? A B.S. Business, designed for students pursuing a dual major, will gives students an opportunity to participate in internships to earn real world experience, build leadership skills and gain insight into how a company works.

Business Minors

Looking to add business skills to your major? The Department of Business Administration offers minors in accounting, business, finance, international business and marketing.

Bachelor of Science vs. Bachelor of Business Administration

A B.S. degree is designed for students pursuing a dual major or pre-professional program and is also available through SWAUonline.

A B.B.A. degree gives students a broad understanding of the workings of a company. With this type of degree, students will learn general principles of business operations, communication skills, decision-making and, depending on your area of study, knowledge into the world of finance, accounting and marketing.

Faculty Profiles

Aaron Moses, PhD

Department of Business Administration
AdventHealth Endowed Chair of Business Administrat

Satyanarayana Ramella, PhD

Department of Business & Financial Services
Assistant Vice President

Chanda Santo, MBA

Department of Business Administration
Assistant Professor

Jonathan Turk

Department of Business Administration
Associate Professor

Licci Zemleduch, BA

Department of Business Administration
Adjunct Faculty