B.A. History

Faculty in the History and Social Science Department at SWAU encourage students to not only learn about history, but to actively interpret and define it. An interactive curriculum and engaging professors will help you develop critical-thinking skills that you can use for the rest of your life.

History majors will gain experience in research that will develop their understanding of the history, culture, and governments that shaped today’s society. With a B.A. in History students will study United States history, world civilizations, and political science while also developing a portfolio for their chosen career path.

Career Field

A common misconception about a degree in history is that it only leads to a teaching career. But the opportunities are much broader than that. History serves as a great background for careers or jobs in:

  • Journalism
  • Libraries
  • Public service
  • Public policy
  • Politics
  • Private business

Helpful Tip: You may want to pair a history degree with another discipline to open even more doors.


There are a variety of traditional and non-traditional career paths in various industries for those with a B.A. in History including history, law, communications, business, education or social science.


  • History Teacher / Professor
  • Curator
  • Historian
  • Archivist
  • Geographer
  • Park Ranger
  • Business Consultant
  • Anthropologist
  • Librarian
  • Records Manager
  • Appraiser

Expected employment growth of historians between 2018-2028

Job Outlook

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that historians with graduate degrees can expect to earn about $61,000 per year, depending on position.
The outlook is particularly good for people who can connect the research and analytical skills of history to other jobs. (Collegegathering.com)


Educational Qualifications

A history degree will help you open the door to entry-level jobs. Pairing the degree with a graduate degree, however, will usually bring much higher rewards. For example, careers as lawyers or professors mandate graduate degrees.

Faculty Profiles

Steve Jones, PhD

Department of History & Social Science
Professor and Department Chair

Elizabeth Bowser, MA

Department of History & Social Science
Assistant Professor