The Write Spot

The Write Spot is an exceptional tutoring service provided by the Department of English, available to students of all academic disciplines. If students are looking to improve their writing process to produce high quality work, this is the best place for them! Our tutors are trained to assist students at all stages of the writing process, including:

  • Understanding assignment requirements
  • Brainstorming ideas
  • Drafting
  • Organizing
  • Revising
  • Editing

During a student’s session, tutors will discuss the problem areas in their writing and show them how to fix them on their own. Tutors can also provide help with documentation and some citation styles (mainly MLA and APA).

A professor, dressed in black dress pants and a blue blazer, sits in a chair and speaks to other women who are sitting around in a semi-circle

At the Write Spot, tutors are here to help you through your own writing processes; we will not invent, write or edit papers for you. We also cannot be a substitute for discipline-specific writing instruction. When your assignment requires writing methods or styles that are VERY discipline specific, we advise you to work with your instructor to understand the specific assignment requirements BEFORE you visit us. 

It is helpful to remember that, even within a given discipline, various professors prefer certain writing styles. That said, we are happy to assist you with any writing project, whether you are writing an essay for your religion class, a research paper for biology or a personal memoir.
Whatever you are working on, we simply request that you bring your assignment guidelines from your instructor so we can help you write your best response for the assignment’s particular audience and purpose.
Thanks for helping us help you. We look forward to serving you in the Write Spot.

The Write Spot Online
Online tutoring is offered online to any students wanting a little extra guidance. These sessions will be just as beneficial as if you were working in person with one of our fantastic tutors.
Online Write Spot tutorials will begin September 27.


To get writing tutoring, follow these steps:

  1. On your phone or laptop, open the document you want help with; If you haven’t started yet and just need assistance getting started, we can help with that too.
  2. Check the Write Spot schedule for an open tutoring session.
  3. When you’ve found an open session with a tutor, email to reserve your session. Be patient and monitor your email to hear back from a tutor. The tutor might be conducting another session but will get back with you soon. The tutor will email a link to a Zoom meeting AND a link to a Google doc. Make sure you see both links in the email reply from the tutor.
  4. Click on the Zoom link and begin your tutoring session. A report of your session will be sent to your professor.


Important Things to Note

  • The first time you connect to a Write Spot tutoring session online, you may have some technical problems to solve before the tutor can move on to discussing your writing assignment. Plan on a 30-minute tutoring session whenever you begin the connection process. You may need to have multiple tutoring sessions for an assignment.
  • These directions assume you have a smartphone or a laptop. Further, you’ll need a Zoom account and a Google account. If you need to create a Zoom or Google account, do so before you connect to a tutor.