Calling Keene Home.. Literally.| Jennifer (Rhodes) Feese

Calling Keene Home.. Literally.| Jennifer (Rhodes) Feese

Jennifer (Rhodes) Feese

It wasn’t a hard decision to attend Southwestern Adventist University. My parents had made Adventist education a priority for us and I was excited to continue that tradition when choosing a university. My friends from academy were attending and it was a short (in Texas terms) car trip from home. I didn’t expect that when my parents dropped me off for the fall semester in 2001 that I would make Keene my home. 

         I knew I wanted to study nursing and I had heard positive things about the program at Southwestern. In addition to lecturing on the science and practice of nursing, my professors demonstrated ministry in their profession. They had worship before class and prayed with their patients, showing us the ministry aspect of our chosen career.  Now I work at one of the hospitals that I did some of my clinicals at and I am able to count some of my former classmates and professors as co-workers. 

         While I didn’t plan to stay after earning my degree I am thankful for the blessings that came from my time at Southwestern. I met my husband, made friends, and learned skills necessary for the career I enjoy today.  I am excited to be raising my child in a community that has such a commitment to Adventist education. 


Jennifer (Rhodes) Feese, Nursing 2006