Minor in Communication

Students who are interested in communication but who are majoring in other areas are encouraged to pursue a minor in communication. Beyond a couple of core classes, this option gives students a chance to tailor their minor toward any of the three emphases, focusing on their interests and areas of strength.

The communication job market is very broad. Just a few positions Southwestern communication graduates have held include hospital vice president, graphic artist, television producer, newspaper editor, radio station manager, photographer, public relations director, television news reporter, and author. Our graduates who have gone on to graduate school have done so very successfully, entering careers in law, business, and pastoral ministry.

Job Outlook
The job outlook in the broad communication field is very bright. More companies are hiring, and students aren’t just finding good opportunities, some are weighing multiple offers. Internships often turn into full-time positions.

Although this will vary widely by region and position, the most notable salary improvement in recent years is for grads with degrees in business or communication. Both groups are seeing a 2.2 percent annual salary uptick thus far. According to aol.com online, this salary improvement is ahead of computer sciences, education, engineering, health sciences, humanities/social sciences, and math & sciences. 

Educational Qualifications
Most entry-level positions in the many fields of communication may be obtained with an undergraduate degree. However, a graduate degree in communication will often provide career advantages.



Communication is a broad field with many new jobs being created every year. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics lists more career opportunities for communication graduates than any other field. In addition to the media world, graduates find communication assisting them in careers in government, healthcare, law, business and many other fields.



  • Reporter
  • Editor
  • Writer
  • Public Relations Director
  • Advertising Executive
  • Radio Station Manager
  • Radio Announcer
  • Video Editor
  • Filmmaker
  • TV Producer
  • Development Director

Communication graduates earn 35% more than the national average.

Faculty Profiles

Chris Combest

Adjunct Faculty