Day of Giving at Southwestern Adventist University

Day of Giving at Southwestern Adventist University

Tim Kosaka

Southwestern Adventist University will host its Day of Giving on December 3, 2019 in conjunction with the National Day of Giving.  Information and giving options as well as stories on how donors have impacted the University’s students are available at


For the past 3 years, the University has joined in on National Day of Giving to raise money for a variety of funds.  Since the 2019-2020 school year has been pronounced as the Year of Scholarships by University President, Dr. Ken Shaw, this year’s Day of Giving gifts will support student aid, and the Advancement team is hoping to raise $20,000 for this worthy cause.


“We appreciate everyone who gives no matter the amount,” shared Jonathan Seitz, Director of Advancement. “It is amazing when you see the power of many coming together for a worthy cause to give what they can. We are blessed as each donations add up and makes a difference.”  


Every year, the University grants over $4 million dollars in scholarships through merit and need based awards. Examples of such scholarships include the University’s First in Family Scholarship, Daniel and Ruth McAdams Scholarship, Alma Saylor Sandefur Business Scholarship Fund, and Sheree Parris Nudd Communication Scholarship. Donations both large and small support these funds allowing for 87% of the University’s students to receive some amount of aid during their time at Southwestern Adventist University.


There are many stories of students at Southwestern Adventist University whose lives have been changed through scholarships. From a young lady raised in Cuba who worked two jobs to support her family, to a young man who pursued God’s calling for him to become a pastor, and to a mother of four who sacrificed everything to gain an education and support her family, each student has a story and the generosity of the University’s supporters are a vital part of these stories. 

Southwestern Adventist University is blessed by the support it receives from its alumni, local community, and friends from beyond Texas, and students are grateful for the generosity of the donors. On the Day of Giving, the University will share a variety of student experiences and reactions across its @SouthwesternAU social media platforms and will showcase  what a Christian education at Southwestern Adventist University has to offer.  


For more information and to support the university during the Day of Giving:

  • Make a gift at or on Facebook
  • Select Southwestern Adventist University on Cyber Monday as you shop on Amazon Smile
  • Call the Advancement Office at 817-202-6231 to talk with a team member.