Former Nursing Chair Endows New Scholarship

Former Nursing Chair Endows New Scholarship

Darcy Force

Southwestern Adventist University’s Office of Advancement is pleased to announce that the University is the recipient of a $25,000 gift. The gift comes from former nursing faculty chair Laurice Kafrouni Durrant and is intended to create an endowed scholarship to honor her father who was passionate about witnessing and education.  

The new endowment will be given to a theology student who exhibits dedication and passion for witnessing. The scholarship will be named the Ishak Hanna Kafrouni Memorial Scholarship.

Durrant credits a picture she received of her father on Father’s Day as the impetus for the creation of this new endowment. She remembers her father as a man who lived his faith and was an enthusiastic witness to others, including his own children. Of his five children, two became nurses, two became teachers, and one became a surgeon.

 This is Durrant’s third endowed scholarship; the two previous scholarships were created in memory of her husband and mother. Southwestern Adventist University’s nursing department also created another scholarship in Durrant’s name, in honor of her years of service.

A press conference will be held Monday, August 3, at 2:00pm in the Meadows Gallery of the Chan Shun Centennial Library on the campus of Southwestern Adventist University. You are invited to attend the press conference as President Ken Shaw and Interim Vice President for Advancement Tiffany Hernandez officially accept the endowed gift from Durrant.

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