Making More than Chemistry Bonds – Kelsey Johnson

Making More than Chemistry Bonds – Kelsey Johnson

Kelsey Johnson & Remington Hill

Kelsey Johnson is a sophomore Music major with a minor in Chemistry at Southwestern Adventist University. Kelsey shares how her decision to become a Human of SWAU will have a positive impact on her future. 

When deciding what University I was going to study at, Southwestern Adventist University was always at the top of my list, considering that I’ve lived in Keene my entire life. I visited many universities but after each experience, I knew that Southwestern Adventist University was my top choice. When asked why, I shared that it was because of the faculty and staff we have here on campus. Each employee goes out of his or her way to make sure we are successful not only while in the classroom, but also as we prepare for our future after graduation. Our small school vibe increases the opportunities I have to receive a one-on-one interaction with my teachers. My friends at larger universities aren’t privileged with this experience which my classmates and I are blessed with here.


Not only are the faculty and staff fantastic, but the students are as well. When I came to visit the campus, I always felt the atmosphere to be full of family and friendship. I knew that this was a place where I would feel welcomed and a place where I felt like I could fit in. I found it easy to transition into college because of the amazing friends I made so quickly. When school gets stressful or overwhelming, it is reassuring to know that I have people who I can count on to help me when there is something I can’t handle. The Southwestern hospitality is unlike any other.


As a music major and chemistry minor, I plan to use my degree to attend medical school. I have always considered myself a “hands-on” learner and Southwestern Adventist University’s hands-on-learning has not dissappointed me. Learning the core material in the classroom and then moving to our state-of-the-art laboratories to actually test it as well as receiving real world exposure through field trips and work experiences makes the learning experience personalized and competitive.


Overall, Southwestern Adventist University has provided me with a caring and friendly atmosphere, filled with faculty and staff who want me to succeed, friends who help me thrive, and a curriculum that prepares me for my future. I am being well-equipped with the strong courses they provide here and the “hands-on” opportunities I have. For anyone looking to be challenged academically and longing for a school that is like a family, join me here. I am so glad to be a Human of SWAU. 

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