Business Expo and Health Fair

Business Expo and Health Fair

Dr. Terri Gibson, nursing professor

On April 17, 2016, Southwestern Adventist University in Keene, Texas, hosted the 13th annual Business Expo and Health Fair in partnership with the Keene Chamber of Commerce. The Department of Nursing, in cooperation with Southwestern Union’s Health Education Director Pat Humphrey and the Children’s Ministry Coordinator Sonia Cano, implemented the Adult and Child Health Fair to provide health education and screening for the community. Senior nursing students from the University's Community Health course led out in presentations for each of the 16 stations. Sophomore and Junior nursing majors assisted as well, totaling 75 students providing community service during the five-hour event.

The Expo event was determined to be successful because of the many satisfied community participants and the representatives from over 45 local businesses that had a booth presence who were happy to be there as community supporters. Members of the community were reminded of the many services and commercial businesses that are available locally, including dental care, health care, home improvement, banking, car dealerships, and much more.

Children had the opportunity to play games that taught them about drinking water, eating a balanced diet that included fruits and veggies, and being physically active on a regular basis. It was fun to watch them experiment with maintaining their balance on the "rolo" boards or supporting a plastic saucer on a thin tube. The adults received blood pressure checks, glucose screening, and BMI scores (body mass index), numbers which all factor into individual health status. Kinesiology students showed attendees how to do strengthening and stretching exercises and performed the Harvard step test to check an individual’s physical exertion capacity. Noreen, a dietitian from Texas Health Huguley Hospital, provided materials and information to support healthy habits for those with diabetes and other nutrition concerns.

Despite the pouring rain, which dampened attendance but not the spirits of those working or attending, there was a positive atmosphere and appreciation for the goods and services provided by the Business Expo/Health Fair participants and supporters. For those local to Keene, future events are on being planned that will help you take charge of your health. We will help you know your numbers including details like blood pressure, lab values like blood sugar and cholesterol levels. These numbers all figure in when determining a person’s Health Age appraisal. Are you the person you want to be physically, mentally, and spiritually? Join us for a future event and we’ll help you take charge of your health! Wellness counts.

The 2017 event is scheduled for April 2! More information coming soon to our webpage: Check out our Wellness Counts community page here. 


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