Buster Swoopes
Buster Swoopes, M. Div.
Master of Divinity, Andrews University, 2012
B.A. Theology, Southwestern Adventist University, 2006
Minor Biblical Languages, Southwestern Adventist University, 2006
Student Life Committee, Southwestern Adventist University, 2018- Present
Preacher and Lecturer, Seventh-day Adventist churches in Southwestern Union, 2018-Present
Assistant Professor of Religion, Southwestern Adventist University, 2018-Present
Pastor, Crowley SDA, Crowley, TX 2015-2018
Area Evangelism Coordinator, Keene Area, 2016-2018
Pastor, Katy and Spring Creek, Houston, TX 2012-2014
Personal Ministries Coordinator, Highland Ave Church, Benton Harbor, MI 2010-2012
Seeds Conference Presenter 2006- Present
Church Plant Pastor of Philadelphia SDA church, San Antonio, TX 2006-2010
Buster Swoopes Jr. previously worked for the Texas Conference as a Pastor for 12 years. He loved to find new and innovative ways to thrive in church growth. His wife Lauren Swoopes, his son Buster (Neal) Swoopes III, and daughter Raina, love to serve God and others together as a family. Buster’s favorite scripture is Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?”