Southwestern Adventist University Ranks in Nursing School Almanac
Southwestern Adventist University Ranks in Nursing School Almanac
Southwestern Adventist University has ranked in multiple categories of Nursing Schools Almanac’s 2018 ratings. Listed as the 75thbest nursing school in the Southwest United States, the ranking is part of the Almanac’s annual comparison of over 3,000 nursing schools across America.
“Our faculty work very hard to give students tools for success and opportunities to excel” shares Southwestern Adventist University’s Nursing Department Chair, Dr. Kerrie Kimbrow. “New state-of-the-art learning environments provide an ideal place for students to fulfill their goals in becoming professional nurses. We are extremely proud of our students and alumni. These rankings give Southwestern Adventist University’s Nursing Program high marks in the academic nursing arena. We are honored to be selected as a top U.S. nursing school.”
As shared by Nursing Schools Almanac, the ranking is compiled through the collection of over 3,000 nursing schools’ data and assessed and ranked based on “the institution’s academic prestige and perceived value. . . the breadth and depth of nursing programs offered. . . [and] student success, particularly on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) national licensure exam.”
Southwestern Adventist University’s nursing students’ NCLEX-RN pass rate has been above the national average since 2016. The opportunity that the department offers for students to complete a traditional four-year BSN curriculum, five-semester LVN-to-BSN bridge, or a one-year RN-to-BSN program, in a small and personal class environment, provides students with varying paths to complete their nursing degree. Read more about Southwestern Adventist University’s nursing department at