Traveling the World – Lindsey Johnson

Traveling the World – Lindsey Johnson

Lindsey Johnson & Remington Hill

Lindsey Johnson is a senior Music major at Southwestern Adventist University. She plans to further her music and biological science degrees by pursuing medical school. Lindsey shines light on her life here at the University and how the music department has impacted her experience as a Human of SWAU. 

Southwestern Adventist University has been my home for the last four years. I grew up in Keene, and drove past the campus every day, but it wasn't until I was a student here, that I realized how a school could become a home. 


I am a music/pre-med major with a chemistry minor. It is kind of a quirky degree and not many people know about it, but it is a perfect fit for me! I studied piano for 15 years before coming to Southwestern Adventist University where I study organ. The Department of Music is incredibly active — locally, nationally, and internationally. We tour abroad every summer, we host an active and engaging Music Festival annually, and we are always working with new composers, collaborating with gifted musicians from around the world, and pushing ourselves to do better than our best. 


As passionate as I am about music, I am even more excited about studying medicine and that is why I chose a pre-med track. Being music/pre-med major allows me to study music while taking the science classes required for acceptance into medical school. If I could offer any piece of advice to someone considering music, and specifically music/pre-med it would be to be ready to commit and to work hard. I’ve been here for 4 years and every time something new is thrown at me, it definitely is more challenging than the previous experience.  But by being willing to put in extra time to prepare and present my best, I am able to achieve my goals. 


The music department has a select choir called the University Singers. As a University Singer, I have had the opportunity to tour the world. Each year we travel somewhere new: May 2017 - France and Germany; May 2018 - Norway, Sweden and Finland; May 2019 - Spain and Portugal; and May 2020, we get the opportunity to tour Italy. Southwestern Adventist University provides us the opportunity to perform in venues that students at most small colleges only dream about.


It is hard to believe that my time here will soon be finished. I have been blessed by life-long friendships with individuals who support and encouraged me each and every day. I am grateful for the many experiences gained through participating in the music program. Even though I am excited for medical school, I will always call Southwestern Adventist University my home. 

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