Roberta's Story

Roberta's Story

Darcy Force

"That’s when I knew I was supposed to be here.”

Roberta grew up as a second generation Adventist. Surrounded by peers seeking pleasure from parties, alcohol, and drugs, Roberta’s only escape was her love of soccer. Christ-centered education was an option she didn’t know about while attending inner-city schools. After graduating from high school, Roberta began attending a local college fully paid for by a soccer scholarship. With only a couple weeks left before the start of her junior year she heard about Southwestern Adventist University from a pastor who visited her church. He encouraged Roberta to visit Southwestern. Roberta knew she craved more from her education, but as a first-generation college student her family worried about the cost, transferring her credits, and the soon approaching school year.

Deciding to take a leap of faith, Roberta drove to our campus - arriving at the Mizpah Gate. Pastor Russ Laughlin, a campus administrator, saw her wandering and introduced himself. Before she knew it, Roberta was taken on a campus tour meeting with the enrollment office and an advisor in the education department who ended the visit with prayer. Roberta says, “I was stunned! Never in my life had a teacher offered to pray with me. That’s when I knew I was supposed to be here.” God answered Roberta’s prayers, removing all obstacles. Now in her senior year at Southwestern as an Elementary Education major, Roberta is eager to begin student teaching at a local Adventist elementary school. Because of her experience, Roberta’s nieces are now attending their local Adventist elementary school and her church has witnessed the impact of Adventist education.

Even after her first walk through campus, Roberta feels that the Holy Spirit continues to walk with her. Support from donors like you make it possible for many students like Roberta to learn about knowledge, faith, and service in a Christ-centered environment. Thank you for your generosity!

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