Campus Life

Our Community

A student stands in front of a group and speaks into a mic in front of a group of seated students

Student Leadership

Opportunities abound for student leaders. Whether you're interested in clubs, spiritual activities, sports or student government, there's a place for you to learn to lead. 

Sports & Athletics

Physical fitness and teamwork are a daily element of life on campus. Southwestern offers students opportunities to get involved in intramural and club sports as well.

On the soccer field at night, the SWAU Men's goalie jumps up and blocks the ball
Two students, wearing black aprons, look down as they empty cans of pumpkin puree into a bowl.

Student Employment

Practical experience is important and the campus relies on students in many roles. Work on campus gives you experience as well as helps pay bills. Whatever your abilities, there's a work opportunity for you. 


With students from 31 states and 32 countries, diversity is an exciting and integral ingredient to the make-up of our campus family. 

Holding up sheet music, students stand in a semicircle and practice singing