Meet Your Title IX Team

Title IX Coordinator
Southwestern Adventist University’s Title IX Coordinator is responsible for oversight and implementation of the policies and procedures; ensuring all members of the Title IX team are trained in issues specific to sexual and gender-based harassment and discrimination; and educating employees, students, and the community on reporting procedures and requirements, as well as issues of sexual and gender-based harassment and discrimination.
The Title IX Coordinator acts with independence and authority free of conflicts of interest. Any concerns involving a conflict of interest by the Title IX Coordinator should be sent directly to the University President at Any concerns regarding a potential conflict of interest with any other Title IX office member should go to the Title IX Coordinator. Any inquiries regarding policies or procedures, or complaints regarding anyone under the purview of the University, which include sexual or gender-based discrimination and harassment, should be referred to the Title IX Coordinator:
Greg Wicklund
100 W. Hillcrest Street
Keene, TX 76058
(817) 202-6743
Title IX Decision Maker
The Decision Maker acts independently of the Coordinator and Investigators. He or she must assess the relevant evidence, including party and witness credibility, to decide if the claimant has met a burden of proof showing the respondent to be responsible for the alleged sexual harassment.
Renard Doneskey
Professor & Department Chair
(817) 202-6265
Title IX Investigators
Southwestern Adventist University engages several Investigators who are responsible for impartially gathering all relevant evidence, including party and witness statements. They receive training annually to ensure they are able to carry out their duties responsibly and without bias. Investigators are selected annually; however, the University does not impose a limit on term of service.
Genelle Rogers
        Director of Human Resources
       (817) 202-6214

 James The
  Vice President of Student Services
(817) 202-6719

Matthew Agee
Associate Director of Campus Security
(817) 202-6415

Connie Jenkins
Assistant Director of Admissions
(817) 202-6252

Cristina Thomsen
(817) 202-6732

Buster Swoopes, Jr.
Assistant Professor
(817) 202-6440

Keith Beucler
Associate Director of IT
(817) 202-6420