SWAU Nursing Awarded $90K Grant

SWAU Nursing Awarded $90K Grant

Tim Kosaka

Southwestern Adventist University has been selected as a recipient for a $90,000 Nursing Innovation Grant Program (NIGP) award under the 2020-2022 RFA, Supporting Clinical Learning Experiences to Mitigate Impediments due to COVID-19. Provided by the Academic Quality and Workforce Division of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, funding from this grant will allow SWAU’s Department of Nursing to purchase additional simulation equipment and expand their clinical learning program on campus.

The effects of COVID-19 impacted nursing students across the globe, causing nursing programs to make adjustments to their clinical learning programs. As a result of this grant funding, SWAU will be able to offer students more clinical experience in simulation labs on campus in preparation for real patient care.

The NIGP allows SWAU to purchase three high tech patient manikins and upgrade simulation control rooms. Additionally, it will help with costs associated with training and operation of expanded simulation areas.

“We are excited to offer greater opportunities for our students to practice patient care skills and clinical judgment in a very realistic environment”, explains Dr. Kerrie Kimbrow, AdventHealth Endowed Chair of the Nursing Department. “Nursing faculty, Dr. Joyce Melius and Jean Alway, have worked hard to provide high-level simulation experiences for our students and we look forward to this very timely growth for our department.”

Funding is being awarded over the course of two years and will allow SWAU’s nursing program to provide an even higher quality experience while remaining hands-on and affordable. To learn more about the Department of Nursing, visit swau.edu/nursing.

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