Denzil & Lola Truitt Memorial Scholarship

Denzil and Lola Truitt

Throughout their 55 years of marriage, Denzil and Lola Truitt served God in a variety of ways, but one of their most important goals was to provide a Christian education for their children. Their support of Christian education went beyond their immediate family, and when the Committee of 100 was established for Southwestern Adventist University, they were pleased to become members.  Lola passed away in 1996, and Denzil was laid to rest in 2012. It just felt right to their children to be supportive of Southwestern Adventist University. SWAU was dear to the family (all three children attended Southwestern), and it seemed only natural to  establish a scholarship in memory of parents who sacrificed to support “training for eternity”.

Denzil’s lifetime goal to become a physician was realized after detours which included serving in the U.S. Army during World War II and then teaching in the Industrial Arts Department at Pacific Union College where he was instrumental in establishing the auto mechanics and welding programs. Denzil persisted toward his goal and enrolled at the Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery. As always, Lola was supportive—and even surprised him with a party for his 40th birthday (he was the “old man” in his class).

The first few years after graduation, Denzil interned and then practiced in Fort Worth while Lola worked at the Texas Conference Office. When an opportunity arose to purchase a medical office in Petersburg (close to Lubbock), they headed west. Lola continued to be supportive and was pleased to assist in the office as need arose.

After 17 years in Petersburg, the green hills of Kerrville beckoned, and they relocated there to semi-retire. During the Kerrville years, Lola managed the office and greeted patients with warm concern for their spiritual as well as physical well-being. In 1996 she collapsed at work and passed away without regaining consciousness. Denzil closed the office and fully retired a year or so later at the age of 83. He had fulfilled his dream  and served over 40 years as a physician.

The scholarship in memory of Denzil and Lola Truitt was established primarily to assist young people from Kerrville along the path to service and success. However, if there is not a qualifying student from Kerrville, the scholarship is available to other qualifying students attending Southwestern. 

Denzil and Lola Truitt posing with big smiles

Student Recipients

2020-2021 - Jacob Kendrick 

2019-2020 - Jacob Kendrick