
Faith From Our Founders

Back in 1893 our founders included these words in the calendar for that year:  “It is the purpose of the Institution to do more for its students than merely make them proficient in certain lines of study. The object sought is to develop and train every part of the being, - physical, mental, and moral – the finished result being men and women of refinement and culture, possessing true Christian character. It is the purpose of the Managers that the work in the various lines of study shall be conducted in such a manner as to inspire reverence for God’s Word, to inculcate confidence in its teachings, and to lead as many as possible to the practical enjoyment of a genuine Christian experience, and to a large growth therein.”  

Over 125 years later, SWAU remains a Christ-centered University, operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, that exists to inspire students to develop academically, to deepen their faith, and to devote their lives to using their knowledge and faith in service.  Our classes are taught by Christian professionals who are experts in their field.  These classes help the student to develop their God-given talents for the career to which God has called them.  In addition to the classroom setting, the campus offers a wide range of service, recreation, and worship opportunities.  In addition to our annual campus wide Ignite Service Day, students regularly volunteer at our local food bank and visit the residents of two nursing homes near our campus.  Students can also take a year to serve overseas in our Student Missionary Program.  

Students are encouraged to lead active, healthy lifestyles that include exercise, fellowship, and worship.  There are many on-campus worship opportunities that are planned and led by students.  The Spiritual Life and Development Office helps to facilitate small groups, campus worship services on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evenings, fellowship activities, Ignite Service Day, and mission trip opportunities.