Campus Security


Southwestern Adventist University is committed to taking the actions necessary to provide a safe and secure working/learning environment for all students, faculty, and staff.  As a member of the campus community, you can feel safe and comfortable knowing that security procedures are in place that represent best practices in the field, and are constantly tested and re-evaluated for their effectiveness.  We encourage you to explore this page to uncover relevant information for our campus and the surrounding community of Keene. 

Title IX

Southwestern Adventist University prohibits the offenses of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.  Allegations of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking will be processed through the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and the related complaint resolution procedures as outlined in Title IX. These procedures are utilized whenever or wherever a complaint is made, regardless of the status of the complainant and the respondent.  To report an offense, or if you are a bystander and witnessed any of the above, please utilize the University’s Title IX reporting tool found here.

Reporting An Incident or Crime

Southwestern Adventist University takes all incident and crime reports seriously. You can report any incident or crime to any university employee or you can file a report online on the campus security webpage ( If the incident or crime is an emergency CALL 911. After you have reported your incident or crime the university will contact you in a timely manner. You may receive a copy of the report after you file it. You can also file your report directly with campus security. It is your right to file a police report for any incident or crime on or off campus.

Gun Free Campus

Southwestern Adventist University is a weapons-free campus. 

"Pursuant to Section 30.06 Penal Code (trespass by holder of a license to carry a concealed handgun) a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, government code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun."

"Conforme a la Seccion 30.06 del Codigo Penal (trespasar portando armas de fuego) personas con licencia bajo del Sub-capitulo H, Capitulo 411, codigo de gobeirno (ley de portar armas), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando un arma de fuego."

Incident/Crime Form

Click here to fill out an Incident or Crime report.

In Case of an Emergency


  • When you hear the alarm, evacuate immediately
  • Call 911
  • Help others exit the building
  • Do not return until authorities tell you it is safe

Tornado/Severe Weather

  • Monitor weather information
  • Take shelter on lowest level of building, in a restroom or other interior space away from windows and glass
  • If outdoors, lie in a ditch or low area, or crouch near a strong building


  • Call 911
  • Stay on the phone for instructions
  • Remain with victim(s) until first responders arrive

Armed Intruder

  • Go to a safe place
  • Call 911
  • Leave if safe to do so
  • If it is not safe to leave, lock or barricade yourself in a room
  • Silence your cell phone
  • Stay put until authorities say it is safe
A poster showing Southwestern Adventist University's Emergency Action Plan for fire, medical, armed intruder, tornado/severe weather and hazardous materials