Joaquim Azevedo

Joaquim Azevedo, PhD

Department of Religion
(817) 202-6216
8 years

Ph.D. Old Testament, Andrews University, 1999
M.A. Biblical Languages, Andrews University, 1994
Minor in Archeology, Andrews University, 1994
B.A. Religion, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1998
He is an Ordained Minister of the SDA Church

2014 “Génesis 6:1-4, el libro de 1 Enoc y la Epístola de Judas,” Theologika 29.
2014 “The Investigative Aspect of God’s Judgment:
A Theological Analysis of Asaph’s Concept about the Judgment of YHWH According to Psalm 50,” (In Portuguese language). “O Aspecto Investigativo do Julgamento Divino: Uma Analisé Teológica da Concepcao de Asafe sobre os Juizos de YHWH Conforme o Salmo 50,” Ailton Artur da Silva Ribeiro and Joaquim Azevedo Neto, Hermenéutica vol. 14, n. 2, (2014).
2014 “Prayer: A Walk with God,” Texas Flame, Summer (2014), 18.
2013 “The Concept of Evil in the Chronicles Theodecy,” in Spanish, “El concepto de lo Malo en la Teodicea del Cronista”, Theologika 28/1:2-35.
2013 “La Revelacion de Jesus Cristo Como la luz del Mundo,” (“The Revelation of Jesus Christ as the Light of the World”) in Spanish, Berit Olam 10:2 (2013): 443-49.
2013 “The Anthropological Concept in Chronicles and its Implications to the Eschatological Remnant,” Hermenêutica vol. 13, n. 2 (2013), 39-56.
2012 “The Masoretic Guild and their Gift to Posterity: The Text of the Old Testament”, Hermenêutica vol. 12, n. 1 (2012), 41-52.
2011 Toward His Holy Temple: An Exegesis on Jonah’s Prayer,” in Spanish, “Hacia Su Santo Templo: Um Estúdio Exegético de la Oracion de Jonás”, Hermenêutica vol. 11, n. 1 (2011), 81-108. Co-author with Johanns Enmanuel Curisinche Canez.
2010 “Is It Good to Have Many Friends? An Exegetical Study on Proverbs 10:95-110,” in Portuguese, “É Bom ter Muitos Amigos? Estudo Exegético de Provérbios 18:24”, Hermenêutica 10:95-110. Co-author with Clacir Virmes Junior.
2010 “Una Nota Histórica Sobre el Origen del Culto al Rey en el Antiguo Cercano Oriente.” Theologika 25/2:146-176.
2009 “The Accents of the Hebrew Bible” in Portuguese, “Acentos da Bíblia Hebraica: Divisores Frásicos da Língua Hebraica”, Hermenêutica 9. Co-author with Isael dos Santos.
2009 “The Textual Witnesses of Mark 16, Would that Be a Long or Short Version? “Fundamentados en los Testigos Textuales de Marcos, ¿Cual Seria lo más Probable para el final del Capítulo 16? ¿Seria el Final Largo o el Corto?” Co-author with Roy E. Graf Maiorov and Alvaro F. Rodríguez Luque, Hermenêutica 9.
2007 “A Short Study on the Egyptian and Semite Languages,” in Portuguese, “Um Breve Estudo Entre Dois Ramos das Línguas Afro-asiáticas: a Egípcia (Camita) e a Semita”, Hermenêutica :103-112.
2006 “A Oração de Elipse Verbal (ou Verbless Clause) do Hebraico Bíblico, Hermenêutica 6:81-87.
2003 “A Porta do Paraíso. Uma Interpretação Contextual de Gen 4:7,” Hermenêutica 3:3-20.
2002 “The Ethiopian Manuscripts of the Book of Ecclesiastes” Hermenêutica 2:57-68
2001 “The Origin of the Proto-Canaanite Alphabet,” Hermenêutica 1:3-29.
1999 “At the Door of Paradise: A Contextual Interpretation of Gen 4:7”, Biblische Notizen, 100:45-60.
1999 “Éxodos 1:11: Su Evidencia Textual Archeologica,” Theologika, 14/1: 50-65
1998 “Las Implicaciones de Chalah y Raquiqui Para la Interpretación Mesiánica del Nuevo Testamento,” Theologika, 13/2:1-15.
1998 “A Note on Verb-Compound Subject Agreement in Biblical Hebrew,” Biblische Notizen, 94:33-43.
1997 “El Paradojo de Levítico Doce: una re-exanimación,” Theologika 12/2: 144-168.

Academic Affairs Committee, Southwestern Adventist University, 2016-Present

QEP Committee, Southwestern Adventist University, 2015-Present

Graduate Studies Committee Board, Peruvian Union University, 2010-2013

Dr. Azevedo graduated in 1988 and worked as a pastor in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He came to the US in 1991 for his graduate studies at Andrews University. He has been married for over thirty years to a wonderful woman, Marcia Azevedo, who also teaches at SWAU in the Department of Nursing. He has five children: Daniel, Andre, Rebekah, David and Racquel. Dr. Azevedo has worked and lived in a variety of different countries. During his time in the US, he has lived in Michigan for fourteen years and in Texas for six years. He was in the 1992 Andrews University Archaeological expedition to Tell El Umery, which was part of the Madaba Plain Project in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He loves teaching Sabbath School and talking about Bible themed topics. He has several hobbies that help him lessen his stress and cope with life, which include reading, mechanics and learning about foreign languages.

Theology Club