Kristin Denslow

Kristin Denslow, PhD

Department of English
Associate Professor
(817) 202-6306
6 years

English Literature

Ph.D. English, University of Florida

M.A. English, Western Michigan University

B.A. English, Andrews University

Honors Director and Associate Professor of English, Southwestern Adventist University

Dissertation: Hamlet’s Compulsive Revisions in Film, Television, and Social Media

“Layers of Intermediality and Visual References in Laurence Olivier’s Henry V.” Shakespeare Association of America Conference. 2016.

“‘Clearly it’s nothing alarming…It’s only Shakespeare’: Conjuring the Shakespeare Specter in Ernst Lubitsch’s To Be or Not To Be.” Shakespeare Bulletin 33.3 (2015): 421-39.

“Hamlet’s Ghost Meme: Accidental Shakespeare, Repetition Compulsion, and Roofie Circles.” A State of Arrested Development: Critical Essays on the Innovative Television Comedy. Ed. Kristin Michael Barton. McFarland, 2015.

“Tracking Scholarship on ‘Canonical’ Film Hamlets” for “Using Data in Shakespeare Studies” workshop. Shakespeare Association of America Conference. 2015.

“Social Media Shakespeare: Experimenting with Shakespearean Adaptation in the Composition Classroom.” Adventist English Association. 2013.

“Guest Starring Hamlet: The Proliferation of the Shakespeare Meme on American Television.” Shakespeare/Not Shakespeare. Eds. Christy Desmet, Natalie Loper, and Jim Casey, Palgrave, 2017, pp. 97-110.

Recent Presentations:
“The Observed and the Observer: Surveillance and Social Media in Gregory Doran’s Hamlet.” Shakespeare Association of America, 2019. Washington, D.C.
“Drama and Film in the Classroom.” Teaching English: Practical Advice for an Impossible Job. Southwestern Union Conference English Teacher Professional Development, 2019.
“Best Practices in Writing Good Writing Assignments.” Teaching English: Practical Advice for an Impossible Job. Southwestern Union Conference English Teacher Professional Development, 2019.
“A Proposal for Teaching Shakespeare in Freshman Composition.” Shakespeare Association of America, 2018. Los Angeles, CA.
“Beyond Page and Stage: Intermedial Adaptation in Laurence Olivier’s Henry V. Shakespeare Association of America, 2016. New Orleans, LA.

Shakespeare Association of America

Sicher Faculty Research and Development Grant, 2020

Dr. Kristin N. Denslow has been an English professor at SWAU since 2016, and is currently also the Honors Director. She has a doctorate in English literature from the University of Florida, and she teaches courses in both English and Honors. Her research focuses on adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays in film, television and other media. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two daughters. They spend a lot of time outdoors, hanging out with their dog, cat and chickens, as well as cooking food from around the world. Prior to coming to SWAU, she taught at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.