Lakicia Foster

Lakicia Foster, DNP, MPH, RN-BC

Department of Nursing
Assistant Professor
(817) 202-6657

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Johns Hopkins University 
Bachelor of Science in Biology, Oakwood University
Master of Public Health, Nova Southeastern University
Doctorate in Nursing Practice, Nova Southeastern University

Svantesson, U., Babagbemi, B., Foster, L. & Alricsson, M.v(2014). Influences on modern multifactorial falls prevention interventions and fear of falling in non-frail older adults: A literature review. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 6(5), 314-320. Retrieved from
Foster, L. Life, Love, God. Lakicia Foster, 2009.

Lakicia Foster was born in St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands, where she literally grew up in paradise. Her professional accomplishments include research publication, record producing, and education. She is passionate about education and counts it an honor to teach her students and communities about mental health. Her fondest personal achievement is being doting aunty, cousin, sister, and daughter to her loving family. However, it is her life’s greatest adventure and humbling joy to be called a child of God.

Lakicia is also an avid lover of humanity and planet Earth. She has lived and worked in 6 continents, serving in various humanitarian, missionary, and professional capacities. When she is not immersed in education or travel, you can find Lakicia somewhere absorbed in nature. It is her personal belief that nature is God’s grand megaphone, work of art, treasure hunt, glorious song.