Lisa Anobile

Lisa Anobile

Office of Student Success
STEM Grant Activity Director
6 months

B.A. Liberal Arts - Loma Linda University
M.A. Special Education - Loma Linda University
Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential
Education Specialist Teaching Credential

I am a teacher, pastor's wife, and mom of 5 children. Well... now that my 3 older are married/almost married, I'm a mom of 8. I love being a mom. I love my family. I love kids and teaching. I love the church. I just love being with people in general. I love that I have a Savior who loves me no matter what. I have a blast playing games and sports, the outdoors, movies, traveling, and trying new things. I am half Puerto Rican and half "Gringa"; my husband is Argentinian- Italian and we both studied abroad so we have a very spicy family. I have taught all ages from Pre-school through high school. I have taught in public schools, charter schools, Adventist schools, my own private school, Christian co-ops, and homeschooled. After all of that, I still believe the teaching philosophies of "True Education" are the best. I am looking forward to the experiences of my new job, upcoming grandbabies, new relationships and Heaven.