School Experience Leads to Career | Kisha Norris

School Experience Leads to Career | Kisha Norris

Darcy Force

“I came to Southwestern Adventist University because it’s where God wanted me to be,” Kisha Norris remembers.  “I’d attended Valley Grande Academy and had many friends go to Southwestern to continue their education.  I received scholarships from a few different schools in my hometown, San Antonio, TX. But I wanted to grow in my Christian walk and God steered me to Southwestern.  

“By the time I enrolled for the fall of 1998 all of my prayers were answered when it came to paying for school.  I received scholarships, two on campus jobs (recruiter and advancement office) and an amazing roommate.  I knew Southwestern was where God wanted me.” 

As a student, Norris worked in the Advancement Office, with a singing recruiting team, and graduated with a degree in Biology.  Currently Norris is the Executive Director of Advancement and Development at Oakwood University. “All of my mentors are people that I met as a student worker at Southwestern.  I can honestly say that the trust and responsibility given to me as a student fundraiser has driven me to successes that I never knew imaginable.  I love my career and I owe it to the Advancement office staff who molded and shaped me into the fundraiser I am today.” 

Kisha Norris, Biology 2003, Master of Education 2008