Shania Ramirez-Robles

I did not grow up a Seventh-day Adventist, nor do I come from a religious family. Up until I was about 14 years old, I struggled a lot with spirituality and what God’s purpose was for my life. But when I got transferred into the Adventist academy in New Mexico, my whole life changed. I wanted to get to know God more and to spread His love to other people. I began to involve myself more and more in the leadership positions that the academy offered so I could help my peers grow to love God as I had. I went on to participate in literature evangelism and Adventist summer camps as well. These programs have impacted my life greatly and have helped prepare me for my lifelong journey of being a minister for Christ and my decision to have been a missionary two years ago.

With God’s help, I was able to serve in Palau, Micronesia, as a P.E. teacher for eight months and had the privilege of teaching over 220 students. My experience there was absolutely amazing. All the people I met there helped me grow in ways that I didn’t know I could. I was pushed into a deeper relationship with God and learned how to better express my love for Him to the people around me. And to my surprise, my students helped me experience God’s love for His children in a different way than I’ve ever felt before. These past couple of years at SWAU and being a missionary have helped form me into the strong woman of God that I am today, and it’s people like you who help make it all possible.
Though I began my education at SWAU as a business major, I know now that my true calling is to dedicate my life to teaching. I have felt no greater joy than when as a student missionary I got to see my students grow every single day. I got to motivate them on their bad days and share the joy with them on their good days.  Getting to see my students learn to know Christ and to love Him, was my greatest blessing. 
I truly am so incredibly thankful for people who find the calling in their hearts to give back to those in need. If it weren’t for the many donations God has given to me throughout the years, I would not be anywhere close to where I am. I never would have been able to participate in Adventist education, gotten baptized, and dedicated my life to God’s work. Because of your mission, others will be able to reach Christ. Thank you for allowing God to use you in other people’s lives. Your acts of love do not go unnoticed. 
Shania Ramirez-Robles