Southwestern Adventist University to Host Association of SDA Historian Conference

Southwestern Adventist University to Host Association of SDA Historian Conference

Christopher Findley

Southwestern Adventist University will host the 9th Triennial Association of Seventh-day Adventist Historian Conference on May 16-18, 2019. This year’s theme is “Crossing the Threshold: 1919”,and features Texas Christian University Professor Kara Dixon Vuic, Texas Christian University Professor Benjamin W. Schmidt, and Dr. Don McAdams, historian and former president of Southwestern Adventist University. 


Dr. Amy Rosenthal, Vice President for Academic Administration at Southwestern Adventist University, says, “It is a great networking opportunity that allows both national and international historians to come together and develop relationships based on a common interest.”


Historians, authors, and instructors were invited to submit abstracts and papers, as well as plan sessions, that approached the theme of “Crossing the Threshold: 1919”.  “This theme has important ramifications both in our church and the wider world,” said Dr. Michael Campbell, religion faculty member.  


According to www.sdahistorians.orgthe topics include the Treaty of Versailles, the 1919 Bible Conference, race riots in the United States, the start of the Harlem Renaissance, League of Nations, and other subjects that illustrate the transitory nature of 1919 for the world and for our church.


“This is a great opportunity to learn about our past both as a church as well as the wider culture and how we have impacted the world,” added Campbell.  “There are a fairly wide number of topics both about Adventist history, and other areas of history as well.”


 “This conference meets every three years and historically is hosted at one of our Adventist universities,” said Rosenthal. “We are excited to be able to host this year’s conference on our campus because it presents an opportunity to identify potential faculty in the area of history and for graduate students to participate in conference settings.”


The conference will begin Thursday, May 16, with registration and a keynote speaker. On Friday, historians and other scholars will present papers in a variety of panels. Finally, the conference will conclude on Saturday, May 18, with an optional museum tour in Dallas in the afternoon and a business meeting to close out the evening.For more information, visit


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