From SWAU to the Union Office | Kristina Lockhart

From SWAU to the Union Office | Kristina Lockhart

Darcy Force

I’ll be honest, I considered going to another more prestigiously named university in Texas. But that only lasted a little while. I didn’t decide to go to Southwestern Adventist University because my best friend was already there, I didn’t decide to go because it was close to home, and I didn’t decide to go because I could afford it and they had my program of study. I chose to go to Southwestern because God chose that school for me, and I was lucky enough to obey Him. 

I decided to study Communication because that was a subject that I knew nothing about. Looking back, however, as a fourth grader hosting a radio show with a friend on my karaoke machine and producing home videos, Oprah-style, with the help of my videographer brothers, its clear that God had chosen communication for me too. 

My time at Southwestern is so precious to me. I wouldn’t exchange it for anything in the world. I grew spiritually and socially while I was there. I became an adult at Southwestern and took the first steps towards my career as an on-air host and later Promotions and PR Director on the campus station. I was hired at the Texas Conference immediately out of college thanks to a recommendation from one of my communication professors, Bob Mendenhall. I have been working in the communication department for over 10 years now and I praise God for the opportunity to serve in His ministry. I just accepted a position at the Southwestern Union Conference as Associate Director of Communication.  I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for my time at Southwestern and each person that He allowed to cross my path on that journey.