What it means to “Be A Knight”— Pre-Professional Program

What it means to “Be A Knight”— Pre-Professional Program

Kaitlyn Lively

Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) provides a Christ-centered education that inspires knowledge, faith and service. 
For Kelsey Johnson, a junior music major with plans to attend medical school, SWAU’s music department has helped shape what is means for her to “Be A Knight.” 

What led you to choose SWAU?
I grew up loving music—orchestra, choir and everything in between. After visiting SWAU’s music department, I knew this is where I wanted to pursue my degree. SWAU offers a variety of things including music programs and plays. Participating in these activities are a great way to meet people and there are so many friendly faces on campus!

What led you to pursue a major in music with a minor in biology for your pre-medical plans? 
While scribing for medical personnel at Texas Health Huguley Hospital in Fort Worth, I learned that some of the doctors had not majored in biology. Instead, they majored in something else that interested them. Pre-med, like pre-law, allows students the opportunity to choose their majors and minors because it is entrance test scores that help determine their acceptance to the graduate-level education. Because of my love of music, it was natural to choose that as a major. But that hasn’t kept me from taking most of the classes in the biology program. It has been amazing. I enjoy the support and knowledge the professors and my classmates all have to offer. I find it to be a great environment.

What extra-curricular activities have you been a part of?
I am a member of the University Singers, SWAU’s premier choral ensemble known for their talented voices. It is one of my favorite things to do. I have also been a cast member in the annual play presented by the English department. I was initially surprised at how much I enjoyed being involved, from learning the script to rehearsing and finally to performing in front of an audience.  I have especially appreciated all the friendships I made during our time together. 

How has your experience at SWAU impacted your Christian walk?
I have learned that my plan is not always His plan, and that has forced me out of my comfort zone. I have learned to trust Him more than I previously did. In high school, things are often planned for you like your classes, schedules and activities; but at SWAU, you have space to create your experience. Coming to SWAU has shown me that while life doesn’t always work out the way you had planned, through God’s leading, things do tend to work out for the best.

What does “Be A Knight” mean to you?
It means being very involved. We don’t just attend class and then we’re done for the day.   The relationships I have formed here on campus have shown me what a joy it is to “Be A Knight.” 

How have you experienced God on campus?
The most consistent place I’ve seen Him is through the people. I know especially with COVID-19 this past year, a lot of people were suffering because someone they were close to had passed away. I was an RA (resident assistant) at the women’s residence hall, and we heard often about challenges students were facing, whether financial issues or just overall stress wondering if their family would be okay. I saw an overwhelming amount of support towards those students, and I thought that was truly God-given because you don’t really notice the support network you have until you need it.

What are your goals for the future, and how has SWAU prepared you to pursue those dreams?
My goal is to graduate in a year and be accepted into medical school. SWAU has shown me that as much as I love music, I can still pursue my dreams in the medical field. I have learned during my time here at SWAU that hard work pays off. I have been able to work as a scribe while pursuing my degree as a full-time student. 

What is your message to someone considering SWAU?
It is going to be hard work, but it will be worth it. I encourage all who choose to attend SWAU to lean on your classmates, teachers and Christ because they make up a strong support network. Those are the people that will be able to lift you up when you are down.

Kelsey Johnson is just one of many students positively impacted by SWAU. She chose to “Be A Knight” which enabled her to expand her life skills while sharing her gifts and strengths on campus. She will leap into her future with additional knowledge, faith and service. Learn more about SWAU’s music program at swau.edu/music and SWAU’s biology program at swau.edu/biology.

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