A Worthwhile Education – Caleb Durant

A Worthwhile Education – Caleb Durant

Caleb Durant & Remington Hill

Caleb Durant is a junior communication major at Southwestern Adventist University. He shares the memories and experiences that he has made in and out of the classroom as a Human of SWAU.


My experiences here at Southwestern Adventist University have created memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I have been blessed by the many friends I have gained, along with the lessons I have learned through being taught by and working alongside my professors. Through my years here, there have been many hardships, but each one has helped me grow, and led me to become a better person.


Teachers and mentors encourage me every step of the way through my role as Media Manager. I have grown through countless experiences during my time here at the University and I cherish those who have pushed me towards achieving my goals.


With my communication major focusing on radio/TV/film, I believe Southwestern Adventist University has been the best place for me, especially since I want to work in ministry. From the time I was young, I felt called to a media related ministry. The faculty and staff at the University have supported me as I prepare for my future.  Their giving me the opportunity to serve as Media Manger for the University, a role usually held by a non-student employee, is preparing me for my future career.


There have been times when I felt discouraged, such as when I didn’t get the grades I wanted or certain situations didn’t turn out as planned. But in the end, my Southwestern Adventist University friends, faculty, and staff, have always helped me to see the bigger picture and to trust that God will lead me through.


What I have enjoyed most about Southwestern Adventist University is the opportunity to grow close with Christ and others. Because of the small campus, I can connect on a deeper level than I would have been able to do at a larger University. Some say the money spent on a college education might not always be worth it, but I say, “you get your money back four-fold from being able to experience such great interactions that will last a lifetime.”


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