Student Services


mud volleyball f21 black shirts


This is it! Claim Philippians 1:6 as your rallying cry – He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.

mud volleyball f21 blue shirts


Your enthusiasm continues to permeate the campus. As you transition to the second step on the ladder, remember – But they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength (Isa. 40:31).

mud volleyball f21 red shirts


Soon it will be your time to shine. Meanwhile, stand ready to take the mantle – Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good (Psa. 34:8).

mud volleyball f21 green shirts


It's the beginning of great things to come. At times, it may seem difficult to leave the known for the unknown. Know that – The Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you (Deut. 31:8).

Dear Knights,


Wow!  What can be said about this school year?  My first thought is, “Finally!”

It’s been such a long time since we’ve been together as a university family. It was such an odd feeling, but a most welcomed sight to see the Class of 2020 graduate just days before the new school year started.  It was good-bye and hello all in one breath.


This year our theme is PURSUE.  In 1981 a hot new item came out like gangbusters in stores throughout the land. You want to take a guess? It has something to do with our theme.  If you guessed the board game, Trivial Pursuit, you are correct. People spent hours matching wits, intelligence, knowledge, pulling from their minds’ attics answers to questions about history, science, nature, geography, literature, sports and entertainment. Each category was a colored pie piece and you had to complete the whole pie to win. This was the go-to game during our college days. Trying to one up those around you to claim the whole pie for the evening and hold onto it until the next challenge to unseat you. 


Fast forward to 2020-2021, It’s a new board game. You and I are the plastic pieces. The game board is our campus. The dice are our choices.  There are many questions we need to answer. Some will be trivial, non-consequential even. A few will be challenging and thought provoking. There will even be some that are monumental and even earth-shattering.  I pray that whatever the “category” you are facing, be in hot PURSUIT of the One that has brought you to this point in your life. You are here, the Bible says - in this city to prosper and bring prosperity to those around you.  In these    uncertain times, facing new and challenging norms, let us roll up our sleeves, mask up and do whatever it takes to bring prosperity to our “city”.      


 Take up His armor and PURSUE life in all its abundance.  



 James The
 Vice President for Student Services                                             



Student Services

We are a community engaged in the intentional development of our students' mental, spiritual, physical and social lives. Not content with marginal performance or careless living, we seek to provide a healthy environment that encourages students to reach their fullest potential. In support of this, we are committed to providing Southwestern's students with:

  • Advice and guidance as they assume increasing responsibility for their lives
  • Welcoming residential students through providing quality housing and dining
  • Adequate student health care as well as an environment that is conducive to good health
  • Activities and programming that exposes students to important ideas, and encourages cultural development and spiritual maturation
  • Opportunity to develop leadership skills through student government, clubs, and other organizations
  • Positive community life that encourages all students to reach their God-given potential for good and for service.

Areas of supervision and oversight include

  • Athletics 
  • Campus Recreation
  • Counseling Services
  • Dining Services
  • Health Services
  • Intramurals 
  • Residential Life
  • Student Conduct
  • Student Association Activities

The Student Services Department is assisted by

  • Director of Counseling and Outreach
  • Director of Dining Services
  • Director of Disability Services
  • Residence Hall Deans


Students, continue with your onward and upward march. "Hold fast that which is good.ENGAGE in the moment and be mindful of what it is that sets us apart as we look forward to the ultimate ENGAGEMENT – at the banquet table.

A girl, in a white basketball uniform, goes for a layup while the opponents, in blue uniforms stand back and watch

2022 Hoops Classic

Welcome to the largest basketball tournament in the North American Division - the 26th annual Hoops Classic at Southwestern Adventist University.

We are excited to welcome teams from all over the U.S.!

Weekend Schedule:

Photo Gallery

Recap Video

Watch games LIVE!


A high school basketball player holds the ball over his head as he looks to see who is open

Hundreds of high school basketball players come from all over the United States to participate in the 4-day tournament. 

A group of college students wear all black as they sing at the church

Watch live-streaming of our major events!

A student stands in front of other students and talks through a microphone.

Events, announcements, photos, and more for the SWAU Student Association. 

A violinist begins to play while look at the conductor for his cue.

Join elite musicians from multiple academies and universities in the music event of the year!


James The, MEd

Office of Student Services
Vice President

Michelle Calagos, BS

Office of Student Services

Tyler Wooldridge, BA

Department of Athletics & Intramurals
Director, Facilities & Athletics

Wil Iverson, BS

Department of Residential Life & Housing
Dean of Men & Outdoor Recreation Coordinator

Janelle Williams, MEd

Department of Residential Life & Housing
Dean of Women

Gloria Miller Rivera, MSN

Department of Campus Health Services
Campus Nurse

Matthew Agee

Department of Campus Safety
Assoc Dir Security

Sualua Tupolo, AS Culinary Arts

Department of Dining Services
Director/Executive Chef