B.A. Theology

A B.A. Theology is designed to prepare future pastors who are able to integrate theological knowledge with pastoral training for excellence in ministry. At Southwestern Adventist University, we focus on the areas of Biblical understanding and personal application, church leadership and administration, evangelism, Biblical languages and pastoral service to the church.

This pastoral ministry program is focused on facilitating the development of the student as a:

  • Growing Christian
  • Church Leader/Administrator
  • Pastor-Servant

A B.A. Theology prepares students for pastoral ministry with an intensive Pastoral Internship Program and a Field School of Evangelism, Biblical preaching training, a strong theological foundation and Biblical language courses.


Career Field

Most of our graduates are hired as pastors in various Adventist conferences. Other graduates attend the Seminary or enter other programs for:

  • Chaplaincy
  • Counseling
  • Teaching

They also become qualified to work as:

  • Pastors and ministers
  • Missionaries
  • Colporteur directors
  • Religion editors in publishing companies
  • Bible teachers in grade schools and academies
  • Or departmental directors and administrators at various levels of the Adventist Church


If you enjoy working with people and doing ministry work, this could be your career! According to Matthew 16:18, Christ promised to build and bless the church, "I will build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it." Being a minister you will spend your life doing what you enjoy most: bringing people to Christ Jesus.


  • Pastor
  • Youth Pastor
  • Religion Professor
  • Religion Teacher
  • Missionary
  • Bible Translator
  • Non-Profit Worker
  • Historian


Mean annual wage of religious workers in May 2019

Job Outlook

Each year, our graduates are interviewed by conference presidents within the Southwestern Union as well as from outside of the Union. About 90% of our graduates are hired as pastors or as youth/associate pastors. We anticipate that employment opportunities will increase in the next few years as a significant number of pastors in North America will retire from active ministry.


Educational Qualifications

We strongly encourage our students to pursue graduate work in order to meet the demands of a highly educated society and the needs of local parishioners. While most students can qualify for a entry-level or mid-level job with a B.A. Theology, a master’s or doctorate can help students work at a higher level in their career. For those in particular who are seeking to teach religion at a higher education facility or at the seminary level, a doctorate is usually required.

Faculty Profiles

Jorge Rico, PhD

Department of Religion
Professor and Department Chair

Joaquim Azevedo, PhD

Department of Religion

Michael Campbell, PhD

Department of Religion